In person studies have resumed and we are back to the lab!
We will also continue offering an option to sign-up separately for our online studies by clicking here.
Children ages 4-12, located in the Louisville Kentucky area, are invited to participate in research on how children of different ages think about information, people, and objects.
Participation involves:
One session lasting 45 minutes or less
Convenient scheduling: daytime, evenings, or weekends
Free parking next to the building on the Belknap campus
Directions to the KID Lab can be found here
A fun play area for younger siblings
Children will:
Play fun games with a friendly researcher
Receive a book, small toy, and certificate
Know that they were part of an important research project

To join our list of potential participants, please click here and we will contact you about ongoing studies for which your child is eligible. If your child is not currently eligible for any studies, then we will keep your name on our list and contact you as soon as your child becomes eligible. Your family will not be obligated to participate in any study, and you can request to be removed from the list at any time. You may also call us at 502-852-0718 with any questions or to sign up.
Our child-friendly research rooms are only a few feet away from our waiting area and parents can watch their child at all times through our video monitoring system. All of our research is approved by the University of Louisville Human Research Protection Program and all information about children who participate is kept confidential.