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Publications by Dr. Danovitch and her collaborators:

Patel, K. S., Danovitch, J. H., & Noles, N.S. (in press). Children's beliefs about Black and White men's and women's scientific knowledge: An intersectional approach. Developmental Psychology.


Girouard-Hallam, L. N, & Danovitch, J. H. (in press). How does Google get its information?: Children’s judgments about Google search. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. LINK


Shenouda, C., Patel, K. S., & Danovitch, J. H. (2024). Who can do STEM?: Children’s gendered beliefs about STEM and non-STEM competence and learning. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. LINK

Monroe, A. J., Chandler-Campbell, I., Damico, K. N., Danovitch, J.H, & Mills, C. M. (2024). The role of truth and bias in parents’ judgments of children’s science interests. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 244, 105949. LINK  


Williams, A. J. & Danovitch, J. H. (2024). The role of accuracy in children’s judgments of experts’ knowledge. Child Development, 95, 128-143. LINK


Danovitch, J. H., Scofield, J., Williams, A., Davila, L., & Bui, C. (2023). Children’s selective information transmission in STEM and non-STEM domains. Cognitive Development. LINK


Girouard-Hallam, L. N, Tong, Y., Wang, F., & Danovitch, J. H. (2023). What can the internet do?: Chinese and American children’s attitudes and beliefs about the internet. Cognitive Development. LINK


Tong, Y., Wang, F., Danovitch, J. H., & Wang, W. (2023). Children’s trust in image-based online information obtained on their own or relayed by an adult. Computers in Human Behavior. LINK

Girouard-Hallam, L. N, & Danovitch, J. H. (2022). Children’s trust in and learning from voice-assistants. Developmental Psychology. LINK

Publications by Dr. Noles and his collaborators:

Nancekivell, S.E., Davidson, N.S., Noles, N.S., & Gelman, S.A. (2023). Preliminary evidence for progressions in ownership reasoning over the preschool period. Developmental Psychology. LINK


Nancekivell, S.E., Davidson, N.S., Noles, N.S., & Gelman, S.A. (2023). “She should get her own cat”: Parent-child conversations about ownership and reciprocity. Cognitive Development. LINK


Noles, N.S., & McDermott, C.H. (2023). Children’s understanding of gratitude, generosity, and reciprocity. Cognitive Development. LINK

Norris, M.N., McDermott, C.H., & Noles, N.S. (2023). Listen to your mother: Children use hierarchical social roles to guide their judgements about people. Journal of Cognition and Development. LINK


Norris, M.N., & Noles, N.S. (2022). ‘An ounce of loyalty’: Children’s expectations about loyalty and preference for in-group members and authority figures. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Noles, N.S., Gelman, S.A., & Stilwell, S. (2021). To give or receive? The role of giver versus receiver on object tracking and object preferences in children and adults. Journal of Cognition and Culture.


Norris, M., & Noles, N.S. (2021). Can a leopard change its spots? Only some children use counterevidence to update their beliefs about people. Cognitive Development. LINK


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